20–22 Jan 2023
America/New_York timezone

Diversity in STEM Discussions

21 Jan 2023, 12:45
McDonnell 105

McDonnell 105


Fields Fellows


Join the Fields Fellows as they hold a space for undergraduate STEM students to share and engage with others about their own experiences and challenges with barriers in STEM/Physics. Students will have an opportunity to brainstorm and collaborate together to imagine and create a new world by devising solutions and recommendations for more inclusive practice and addressing in STEM/Physics departments and the field generally.

Goals of this space:

We want to provide a space for undergraduate students to share openly about their experiences with diversity in STEM/Physics.
We aim to uplift the experiences, concerns, and voices of marginalized people in STEM/Physics.
We will provide general knowledge of microaggressions and biases in hopes that this discussion allows for collective community brainstorming and action steps.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.